Undone’s Advanced Facials are designed to restore your skin’s natural glow allowing you to look ‘done up’ even when you’re Undone.

“My philosophy is less about skin ageing and more about healthy skin. If the skin barrier is healthy, the cells are communicating well, your skin is hydrated and protected, then you will see years taken off and your skin will glow, looking fresher and tighter.”


The Undone Advanced Facials
Holistic Correction & Tranformation

This holistic professional facial is completely customised to correct your skin concerns and offers powerful skin transformation without compromising the skin barrier and with zero downtime. Using medically researched, proven solutions with patented active ingredients and advanced delivery systems. This treatment has been curated to create a healthy glow whilst boosting skin immunity, increasing circulation & hydration and addressing troubled areas .

After a thorough consultation, determining skin goals, lifestyle, diet and health; a bespoke treatment plan is created to help you achieve your desired results,

Level 1: £55 - 45 mins

Level 2: £80 - 60 mins

Level 3: £105 - 90 mins


Techniques will be adjusted for certain contra-indications.

We advise waiting for 2 weeks after having fillers and botox before having this treatment.


The Goal: Creating healthier skin, by reducing inflammation, repairing the barrier function and increasing cell turnover

Recommended for: Acne, ageing, skin sensitive, rosacea, and uneven skin tone, dry & dehydrated skins and all round rejuvenation. Anyone who needs a boost and to transform the quality of their skin.

Treatment can include (depending on level): Osmosis Vitamin A Infusion, pH Formula Dermalogical Skin Resurfacing, Revitapen Pro Nano Needling, Celluma MD LED Light Therapy, Advanced Professional Masks.

  • A non-invasive process that rejuvenates your skin layer by layer. Controlled skin resurfacing goes beyond the outer layer of the skin to actively provoke an accelerated form of cell regeneration in all layers. New skin cells form from the inside out, resulting in a more radiant, younger-looking skin surface – reducing the appearance of trauma or irritation without the risk and cost associated with cosmetic surgery.

  • Osmosis Facial Infusion, is the first Non- Acid Peel that uses a patented pharmaceutical-grade delivery system to generate a 30 day collagen production increase which puts your skin into “repair mode” for 30 days! Incredibly effective at treating scarring and pigmentation with impressive results!

  • The no-needle alternative to micro-needling. Using Nano-Technology to enhance product absorption into the skin without wounding the skin or triggering inflammation. RevitaPen treatment enhances product absorption to create visible and instant results in firming and refreshing the skin with micro-channels that allow active ingredients to be driven deeper into the skin.

  • Inspired by Light Proven by Science. Celluma light therapy improves cellular health to reduce the signs of aging, relieve pain, and eliminate acne.


  • Restores Barrier Health

  • Increases Circulation & Cell Turnover

  • Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles

  • Dimishes Pigmentation & Scar Tissue

  • Increase Hydration & Plumpness

  • Reduced Blemishes & Inflammation

  • Repairs and Resurfaces

  • The ultimate radiance and skin glow

I turned up with a red, sore dry face that was inflamed and covered in tiny pimples... I followed Suzi’s advice & now my skin is glowing, soft & plump...the best it’s ever been.
— Ellie

Undone’s Advanced Facial Levels

  • Level 1

    Ideal if you are short on time and looking to give your skin a boost. Great prep fro a special occasion.

    Includes: Deep cleanse, a gentle skin resurfacing peel, a targeted serum and a customised mask

    DURATION: 45 Minutes

    PRICE: £55

  • Level 2

    Definitely the most popular and for good reason; this facial notches up a level and is completely ciustomised to all skin types.

    Using the Osmosis Vitamin A Infusion to generate a 30 day collagen production increase which puts your skin into “repair mode” for 30 days. The Revitapen Pro is used to further enhance these ingredients by pushing them deeper into the skin. This facial is completed with an advanced face mask and scalp massage.

    DURATION: 60 Minutes

    Price: £80

  • Level 3

    The Ultimate Undone Skin Transformation Facial! Your skin will feel incredible after this and the comments will fly.

    Whilst completely cusomised this facial will include an advanced skin peel, multiple serum infusions that are targeted to your skin needs and immersed deeply into your skin with the Revitapen Pro.

    Lymphatic drainage and Scupt Face Lifting massage is performed followed by an advanced mask. Finished off with LED Light Therapy to get those skin cells really talking to each other.

    DURATION: 90 mins

    PRICE: £105

  • Celluma Pro LED Light Therapy

    LED Light Therapy is inspired by NASA technology. Celluma is an award winning and medically certified LED Light machine using 3 different lights transmitted through panels helpful in treating ageing signs, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, skin scars and acne on your skin.

    Light from a Celluma light panel is placed directly or close to your skin. Infrared light helps the blue and red light to go into your skin. The light is then able to increase the energy in each cell’s mitochondria. This will help each cell speed up its reproduction process and your overall skin cell turnover rate. This treatment is most successful when you set up a few routine sessions.

    Full Treatment: £30/30 mins

    Course of 10: £250

    Add on: £15/15 mins

  • " Suzi is so experienced and knowledgeable. She pampers you with her magic hands tapping into exactly what you and your skin needs. "

    Isabelle - Google Review

  • "I have been having facials from Suzi for years... Extremely knowledgeable about skin with genius hands and effective, up to date techniques using gorgeous products. My skin has flourished with her. She is a joy to be with as well.

    Natasha - Google Review

  • " I think what you do is too amazing for words. It’s been a long time since I had one of your wonderful facials and the massage really slowed me down and helped me to sleep so well. "

    Carolyn - via email